M5 Apprenticeship Program

About the Program

The M5 Leadership Institute’s  Apprenticeship Program is a paid, residential work-study program designed to focus on the areas of hard work, leadership, entrepreneurship, and God's design, connecting  them to meaningful outcome-based projects that contribute to professional and spiritual flourishing.

Four Main Outcomes

  • Learn about God and about yourself.

    We want to provide a space for you to explore how your unique gifts, skills, and strengths can be used for God’s purposes. We believe that God creates and redeems each individual for His glory and their good, and we want to journey with you to help refine your understanding of your calling and purpose.

  • Grow your faith and leadership.

    We offer an integrated experience to help you grow in your understanding of who God is, and what it means to be a full, flourishing person. We believe that Scripture, Christian community, meaningful work, and spiritual disciplines are key as we pursue a life that is Spirit-led and marked by servant-leadership.

  • Create meaningful work.

    Our outcome-based model helps us pursue faithfulness and effectiveness in our vocation. We look forward to training you in M5's philosophy of work as service for God's kingdom, so that you can grow in your ability to research, design, and implement outcome-based models for business and entrepreneurship.

  • Connect with local community.

    Whether at our base of operations in Waco, Texas, or in one of our regional locations across Texas, we believe that the opportunity to connect with other aligned leaders, families, businesses, and communities will enrichen your faith and give you a deeper understanding of what God is doing through His Kingdom.

Three Areas of Focus

  • M5 Staff

    Apprentices will dedicate a significant amount of time each week to personal development, team building, and Christian discipleship. We have partnered with Christian Halls International and their network of universities, to provide formal education opportunities in business, leadership, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Earn your associate's degree, bachelor's degree, or masters degree through your work at M5!

  • Ben Hagan

    Learn core competencies of business operations and leadership. Apprentices will provide general assistance to M5 Leadership. As we and our members gain a greater understanding of themselves and their talents, general tasks will become specific areas of specialization and meaningful outcome-based projects.

  • Edgar Solis

    Based in Waco, Texas, where M5 operates five restaurant locations, apprentices will learn the essentials of store operations, management, and ownership. Apprentices will have access to a variety of experiences and leaders across the M5 network of stores.


Onboarding: 1 week of team building and orientation

  • First Quarter

    First Quarter
    In-Store Operations
    Learn the basics of franchise management, through our network of restaurant locations and other properties

    M5 Business Development
    General management and entrepreneurship training
    Introduction to Business

    Personal Development
    Servant Leadership Strengths Finder

  • Second Quarter

    In-Store Operations
    Continue store work, but with some external deployments

    M5 Business Development
    Assigned to general M5 core tasks

    Personal Development
    Virtuous Entrepreneurship Talent and Vocation

  • Third Quarter

    In-Store Operations
    Combine In-Store Operations with Business Strategy

    M5 Business Development
    Specialized Business Projects and M5 Network Deployment Business Strategy Session

    Personal Development
    Personal strengths and talent tests

  • Fourth Quarter

    In-Store Operations
    Expand beyond Waco stores into Texas operations

    M5 Business Development
    Assign Specializations
    Assign to large projects/tasks
    Substantive Store Evaluations
    Store Management
    Prototype store ownership pathway

    Personal Development
    Feedback Sessions on personal strengths and talents
    Tasks fully aligned with personal development pathway
    Disciple new apprentices