About Us
We live to steward the abundant resources God has given us, in order to create a legacy of Christ-centered human flourishing through our team members, our guests, and our communities.
M5 Enterprise is a family owned company that lives to steward the abundant resources God has given us, in order to create a legacy of Christ-centered human flourishing through our team members, our guests, and our communities... Our desire is to see the kingdom of heaven extend into the realm of work as we seek to point those we serve towards the good, the true and the beautiful.
The Story Of M5 by John Hagan
Over the entire course of my life and business experience, I had always sought and desired that Christ would rule in me and in my business; to implement his ideas, to let Him call the shots, and to allow His life to flourish in my work.
But instead of flourishing I saw mostly bad results. Some things even did well for a while but when the sun got hot they withered. Finally, in desperation, I cried out to Jesus. I had tried to operate my life and business by His way of thinking, why was it not working?
Slowly, the The Holy Spirit began to reveal to me that I had not seen the real picture of the way Jesus thinks. I gave Him permission to show me and I enrolled in His school. I am still in that school. We never graduate from His school, we only graduate grade levels. I began to read and meditate with Jesus on Matthew 5-7, The Sermon on The Mount. I began to think with Jesus in the way He thinks about life and relationships. Matthew 5:39 became a shining verse for me:
“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called the sons of God”.
I realized that I was allowing competition, judgment, revenge and many other evils to influence my thinking. I began to see and accept that the principles seen in The Sermon were the ones by which Jesus lived His life, and that I wanted to live my life within these principles. In that school I heard the Lord say, “I am looking for students who will allow me to teach my ways to them and change their business.” I raised my hand and the teaching began.
This was in the Spring of 2010. I had just experienced what I had called another catastrophic business failure, but what God called the price of admission into his University. I would learn that all things are in Christ and all things are Christ’s. Today there are 16 restaurants in M5 and the real estate is owned at 13 of those locations. And yet, I’m only still a freshman; the Lord has so much more to teach me, and to teach those who would participate in His school.
Matthew 5–7 offers us the Constitution for Christ’s Kingdom. As such, Matthew 5–7 is also the Constitution for M5 Enterprise, and those who participate in our organization operate according to these rules. The name of our organization is M5 Enterprise. M5 for Matthew 5 and Enterprise singular because God is singular and we are singularly submitted and committed to His way of thinking. As I said, God's class is still enrolling and is ongoing. One of the new things I am learning is God’s purpose for business. I am beginning to see that it is to bless not only the owners, the employees and the people: but it is to bless the city it is conducted in. The goal is that the Constitution that undergirds M5 would be incorporated into the heart and life of the cities and villages where we operate. This call is not only for M5 and its leaders, it is for everyone in the city, all have a part and all are important. It’s the call to have God's Kingdom come and His will be done here on Earth as it is in Heaven. “Here we are Lord, send US!”
John Hagan
Founder and CEO, M5 Enterprise
All of us—at every level of the organization—are called to steward God’s resources. The definition of stewardship is “the careful and responsible management of something entrusted to one's care”. Each one of us has obligations we must fulfill, tasks to accomplish, and responsibilities that have been entrusted to us. As we faithfully steward these responsibilities, we will be entrusted with the opportunity to steward more.
Without people, none of what we do is possible. The nature of our organization and business from beginning to end is about people. People are the primary responsibility we have been entrusted with. All people have been created in the image of God and are valuable, worthy of respect, honor, and dignity.
We will serve people
The focus of M5 is people. God has blessed us with the responsibility of caring for people at every level of our organization.
We will connect with people
Relationships are the primary means of connection. We will pay attention to the details of people’s lives because people matter. Every conversation and every interaction matters because they are opportunities to serve and care for people.
We will value people
Everyone has been created in God’s image and has inestimable worth.
We will develop people
Our organization does not exist to sell food. We exist to develop people. We will partner with and encourage all of our employees along their development journey. Our organization will be defined by our commitment to the flourishing of people.
If we are faithfully stewarding the people God has entrusted then the next step is in whole-person formation of those people. We will create an atmosphere where human development and flourishing can take place. We will be intentional in the formation of our team members. We will support and encourage each team member on their personal journey. Our team members will commit to their personal growth, and the growth of their co-workers.
Every person has the opportunity to build an eternal legacy through their life work. Through the development process we will assist in helping them live and think about their legacy, and inspire/encourage them to live beyond what they thought was possible.
M5 Leadership Team
John Hagan
CEO, M5 Enterprise
Edgar Solis
Chief Operating Officer, M5 Enterprise
Ben Hagan
Director of the M5 Leadership Institute